About the Artist

Name: Eric Gillette
Age: 24
 ~ Art Student
~ Game Connoisseur
~ Part time Zombie
~ Mo~Hawk Supporter   
~ comic collector
~ Day Dreamer
~ Converse model
~ Music fiend
~ Dinosaur wannabe
~My Deviantart site fool

Basically if I am not going to or working at or on school, I have a part time job, a video game addiction to feed and as well as a girlfriend to spend time and money on, I create art for the masses as in comics and other art like things. I have many different influences in my art starting from the cartoons I have watched when I was a kid to movies, videogames, and comics. Anime still holds me by my special place, somewhere in the organ bleeding thingy. Going to school I am still on my quest to become an Illustrator and this is the outlet of some of my creative ideas. Sit back, hold on and I hope you enjoy this experience because I already do. Also thanks for stopping by and checking my little piece of the net.